GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM. Read the text and do the exercises
increased accuracy более высокая точность
reference station - референц станция
range error correction поправки ошибок при определении дальности
pseudorange - псевдодальность
in the vicinity - в районе
ephemeris errors - эфемеридные (орбитальные) ошибки
satellite clock errors - ошибки часов спутника
ionospheric errors – ионосферные ошибки
tropospheric errors – тропосферные ошибки
Find the answers to these questions in the following text:
1. What is the principle of the DGPS positioning?
2. What’s the difference between range and pseudorange?
3. Why are there inconsistencies between satellites?
4. What datum is the DGPS reference system?
5. What are the sources of error?
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) has been conceived as a method of providing increased accuracy in positioning. DGPS is now the principal system used in hydrographic surveying to accurately determine the position of seabed features.
The principle of DGPS is that a single reference station at a known location can compute a range error correction for GPS satellites in view. The GPS consists of a network of 24 satellites launched by the USA. The error corrections are then broadcast to the ships in the vicinity. By applying the corrections to the signals received, a user can typically improve the accuracy in the order of
The first stage in the navigation process is to measure pseudorange, the distance between the satellite and the receiver (приемник). Pseudorange is obtained by multiplying the signal propagation time by the speed of light. Pseudorange differs from the actual range. It is corrected for many errors:
Satellite clock errors
Ephemeris errors (ephemeris - detailed orbit parameters)
Ionospheric errors
Tropospheric errors
1 Translate the words of the same root:
Available availability avail
Differ differential different
Err error erroneous
Refer reference referee referent referendum
Ephemeris ephemerial
2 Match the words in the box with their short definitions
pseudorange, time shift, satellite, range
the approximate distance to the satellite
a body orbiting in space
distance over which something has an effect
the time delay between the transmission of a signal from the satellite and its reception.
3 Match the opposites in the lines
Transmission, tenuous, transmit, corrections, high
Errors, reception, low, receive, dense
4 Are the following statements true or false? Agree or correct the false ones
DGPS is the measurement of the errors at a reference station and making them available to correct the readings of a mobile user (rover).
Differential Global Positioning System doesn’t know the position of the reference station.
Pseudorange is calculated by dividing the signal propagation time by the speed of light. A user cannot improve the accuracy by applying corrections to the signals
5 Translate the sentences:
1 Псевдодальность, полученная системой позиционирования, отличается от истинной дальности.
2 Часы спутника являются причиной ошибок, они приводят к потере точности, если не внести поправки
3 Сигналы со спутников передаются на расстояние приблизительно двадцать тысяч километров
4 На сигналы оказывает влияние атмосфера, причем основной результат - рефракция сигнала
5 Тропосфера является важным источником ошибок позиционирования для высокоточной съемки.